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 08-21-2008, 07:04 Post: 156212

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 So what would YOU do with a loudmouth in a restaurant

EW; Starting the day off in a bad mood seems to ruin the day for me so here is what I would do. I'm not familliar with Big Boy, but I'm assuming they are a chain. The local manager is probably afraid to cause any loss of business by asking the obnoxious people to keep it down but, but he is losing your business along with likely others who don't care for the disruption either. It sounds like you are a "Regular", so I'd eat somewhere else for a few days then go back and mention to the managere that if this keeps up you won't be a regular anymore. Frank.

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 08-21-2008, 18:57 Post: 156228

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 So what would YOU do with a loudmouth in a restaurant

All this reminds me of why I won't go to movie theatures anymore. Couple years ago the Mrs. bribed me to go to some hit movie. All during the show cell phones rang, people answered and talked for half an hour. The ushers would walk down and ask them to turn it off, a couple of them said "My phone I'll answer it if I want to". Finally the manager told them to leave, so big rumpus, rest of the crowd cheered as they walked out shouting obsenitys, lost our place in the movie. Last movie I've been to. Frank.

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